Friday, March 2, 2012

Old Men in Ballet

TRUE FACT: I use to work at Save-On-Foods.
It's a grocery store. Where you can buy food. Sometimes you can save on it....most of the time it's over-priced. But all this information is irrelevant. And not funny. Or awkward. That's just me.

One thing you must know is that I get hit on by men quite often. To be more specific, old men. And by old I don't mean "he's in his thirties". By old I mean over 50. 

During my time at Save-On-Foods, most old men who hit on me were customers. They were never younger than 40 and almost always NOT interesting. (This one guy told me how he use to be involved with pidgeon racing).

At the time of this story, we had a guy who worked in our Deli who was a skinny, frail old man. His hair was thinning, he had thick glasses, and he creeped on me frequently. I thought: "Oh, He's an old man. He's not going to try any lines or put the moves on me". So I never shot him down when he wanted to talk. Bad idea.

One day, I was labelling kosher pickles that we served in Bulk Food (that's weird, isn't it?). This man... we'll call him Jaques, approached me on his way to the break room. Without saying a word he hands me this photograph and a key chain which was in the shape of a "half-heart" (I assume he had the other half....).

This photo depicted himself, in a deep V-neck leotard flying through the air with his hands held triumphantly above his head.

What do I say? Should I thank him? Do I laugh? Do I ask questions about wtf is going on in the picture? Or, I should act interested.
In the end, I thanked him. I thought that sounded the best. But he didn't move. He just stayed there. So I went on:
" So you used to be in ballet? That's neat"
Pssh. Who says NEAT anymore. He'll know I'm lying.
But he totally bought it.

It was only after he left that I noticed on the back, he left his email address. I lol-ed. Spartacus650 was his chosen name. Of course Mr.Ballet chooses spartacus.
I reported this odd behaviour to my manager and he laughed hysterically. He got on his little walkie-talkie and called up the other manager to hear my story and see my In the end, he did nothing about it.
Yay for me. Yay for old men living the dream. Yay for awkward situations?

Awkward Scale: AAA
(out of a possible 5 "A"s)

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