Sunday, March 25, 2012

When Random People Play With My Hair

As a "keener" by nature, I often take opportunities to become involved in school functions.

As such,  I became a Student Leader during my 2nd year at university. I was roped in to doing many things like:
(1) help out at orientation
(2) give campus tours and,
(3) Participate! Participate! Participate! "school-spirit" events. (Yes, I realize how annoyed you are at the superficial excitement that is always shown by people who volunteer. The Fake Happiness. I know it well).

For Halloween one year, we set up a festive tent in our... *ahem*... courtyard? (If you call a large, concrete open space between 3 buildings a "courtyard").

It had all the cheesy decorations you'd expect: fake cob-webs, fake skeletons, fake haunted house music, real pumpkins, fake...smiles. (see below)

Our job was to hand out candy to students as they walked past and spread school spirit.

The day went fairly well. I handed out the candy. Smiled. Pretended to have a good time.
(see "good time being had" below)

Later in the day, we had a visit from this really bizzare student who didn't really understand social situations. He was tall, portly, had a wind-breaker on. Possibly Arabic, not sure. He hung around the tent for quite some time....

But as a student leader, it was my job to engage with him and chat. You know. School spirit and all that sh*t. (would have loved to ignore him).

I left him a lone for a while to chat with my friend who showed up!
While I was talking, I felt my hair move.

He had turned away from the back table and started to play with my ponytail. He picked it up and started to stroke it.

Wow. Awkward. F*ck off!!

I turned around and just stared at the guy. I reached my hand behind my head and grasped my ponytail, as he had sexually assulted my hair! No words were exchanged. He just smiled. He was having a great time.

He also didn't leave.

I eventually had to ask the head coordinator to kindly ask him to exit the tent area on account of him molesting my ponytail!
She promptly walked up to him and said, "thanks for coming out. We'll see you next time. Have a great day"

He nodded his head and walked away.
So weird.

I still volunteer to this day. But I'll never do a Halloween tent again.

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