Monday, March 5, 2012

Grandma's Boobs

The second worst thing in the world is imagining your Grandparents naked.
The first worst thing is actually seeing them naked.

Before I go further you must understand the set up of my living situation. I live in a house. It's in the middle of our street. And it has hedges which you can play badminton over. My grandparents bought it when they were young at a decent price.

Unfortunately, where I live, property is VERY expensive to buy (or even rent). So my parents were lucky when my grandparents offered to move into the basement and give us the top 2 floors.

It works. Sometimes.

BUT, because we live in such close quaters we can borrow stuff from each other (like food). Which is what I go down there for. Quite often it's for Chunky soup, which they store in their closet/pantry.

Let me explain this in greater detail: They have a closet in their room, which they also store food in. (Is that weird? I think it is...).
You can see it behind me in the picture below.

(Why am I dressed this way? I don't know. It's actually quite embarrassing. I was hoping this would be the least awkward component of my experience/story.... You be the judge.)

ANYWAY. One day I went downstairs to grab some food out of the pantry. I went all through their house looking for someone to ask whether I could take it or not.
No one was home.

As I walked into their room, those white doors opened and out stepped my grandma with no shirt, no bra, no pants...
just underwear.
OMFG. Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew! Awkward! My eyes!

I turned my whole body IMMEDIATELY away
My grandma scooted back into the closet/pantry. She goes: "Oh my dear...I didn't hear you come in".
I say nothing. Just leave.
SO awkward. I just saw her boobs. *Gag*!

It's almost comparable to when you go into public change rooms at your local recreation center and see all these old ladies (or men, if you're a guy) showering in the nude. But this is worse. Much worse. Incredibly worse.

We choose not to talk about this event in our house. It's been a buried story until now. An awkward moment through and through.

Awkward Scale: AAAA
(Out of a possible 5 "A"s)

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